Thinking to paint your vehicle a brand new color because you are bored of the old color for years?
But actually can you simply change your vehicle’s color as you wish?

Recently a Twitter user (@ashila_ashley on Twitter) has gone viral with her sharing of her own experience where she were being fined and issued 3 summons by the Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia (JPJ) for changing the color of her vehicle, modifying exhaust pipe and placing unrelated stickers on car windscreen.
This has made the citizens confused as most of them do not aware that changing vehicle’s color without informing the authority is actually an offence in Malaysia! Well, the JPJ has stepped out to clarify this and explain that pursuant to section 12 of the Road Transport Act 1987, the registered owner of a motor vehicle shall inform the authority in writing of any circumstance or event which affects the accuracy of any entry in the register relating to the motor vehicle. Every registered owner of motor vehicle shall comply to the law to avoid committing an offence.

Here are the steps to update your vehicle’s new color to the JPJ:
Step 1: Paint the vehicle first.
Step 2: Head to the nearest JPJ office to obtain “JPJ K8” Form.
Step 3: Fill up the form completely and hand over to the JPJ officer on duty.
Step 4: Officer in charge will update the vehicle data in MySikap system.
Step 5: Completed!

For reminders, the process of updating your vehicle’s latest information is free of charge! And, if the vehicle is colored more than 1 color, the most used color or dominant color is considered the color of the vehicle.
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